Professors Teach İn Front Of Prison İn Solidarity With Arrested Students

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Two professors gave lecture in front of Bakırköy Prison for Women in solidarity with arrested students, on Feb. 26. Prof Neşe Özgen from Galatasaray University and Prof Fatma Gök from the Bosphorus University, both specialized in education polices, taught students the complex relationship between women.

Two professors gave lecture in front of Bakırköy Prison for Women in solidarity with arrested students, on Feb. 26.

Prof Neşe Özgen from Galatasaray University and Prof Fatma Gök from the Bosphorus University, both specialized in education polices, taught students the complex relationship between women and the education system, within the event organized by the Solidarity with Arrested Students Platform.

"We cannot catch up with the emerging arrested students list. The pool media sometimes rap out which students will be next. Any e-mail including a tip-off is enough for a person's arrestment" said the platform in a press statement.

Having underlined that the biggest unjust treatment against arrested students was the violation of their right for education, the platform called on for freedom to all arrested students. The platform vowed to widen the the solidarty with professors.

(Photo) - Istanbul

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Spor