Video) Turkish Author's "Parahistoria" Brings To Light Backstreets Of Economy

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– A new study, book of senior journalist Osman Şenkul from Turkey' s prestigious Dogan News Agency, offers a journey to the backstage of history of economy, through his own narrative off the limits of official historical approach .

– A new study, book of senior journalist Osman Şenkul from Turkey' s prestigious Dogan News Agency, offers a journey to the backstage of history of economy, through his own narrative off the limits of official historical approach .

"Parahistoria", Şenkul's new book that has been introduced within an introductive dinner on August 27 organized by Scala press house, includes stories of the rise of various ancient implementations which have survived until today's economy, including the birth of money, place of economy in ancient sites of Mesopotamia, the relationship between money and state, the "market of mummy", the first strikes, and first corruptions in the history.

While the publicity meeting hosted journalists, authors and readers along with Şenkul and the writer of preface of the book translator Ari Çokona, Şenkul made a speech highlighting the story of his book, as well as the attacks against historical artefacts in recent days including the massacre of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria'a Palymra.

"After the attacks of Taliban in Afghanistan's Bamyan province, ISIL recently has destroyed artefacts in Syria, even killed Khalid Assad, a 82-year-old archaeologist who has sacrificed more than 50 years of his life for the Palmyra site. However, all these developments don't have the power to darken the light those have brought to the history. Recently, probably after having watched the brutal propaganda images released by ISIL, some people destroyed the statue of Aristotles in Turkey's Assos ancient site. What I have tried to achieve in 'Parahistoria' was to compile this extraordinary accumulation of micro pieces having been left by Herodotus and dozens of other historians, geographers, authors, through my own fiction making a story of it" said author Şenkul to describe the background of his third work 'Parahistoria'.g

Having contributed to Şenkul's piece with his preface, author and interpreter Ari Çokona said, "He has been writing as columnist years ago and sharing his in-depth knowledge on economy. Then I have asked him to collect these pieces in a book. Parahistoria is a word that we can describe, in the simplest term, the backstreets. This book, additionally, is written through an historical approach off the limits of the official history".

Osman Şenkul is a journalist/author working as Director of Foreign News and Economy Departments in Dogan News Agency, after having worked as editor-in-chief at Reuters News Agency in Turkey, following various dailies such as Dünya, Milliyet, Cumhuriyet.

Video Stream


Speech of Osman Şenkul

Speech of Ari Çokona

Footage from the dinner

The book cover

Şenkul while signing books


DHA FEED - Istanbul

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel