
Two-wheeled "Drivable Exhibition" in the back streets of Istanbul

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Sculptor Berkay Kahvecioglu started the 'Faces of the Street' project a year ago to create social awareness. The 26-year-old artist personalizes the two-wheeled carts, driven by the paper collectors who collect paper from the streets, with portraits of collectors he draws on their huge sacks.

Sculptor Berkay Kahvecioglu started the 'Faces of the Street' project a year ago to create social awareness. The 26-year-old artist personalizes the two-wheeled carts, driven by the paper collectors who collect paper from the streets, with portraits of collectors he draws on their huge sacks. It pioneers the "Drivable Exhibition" model.

The "Faces of the Streets" series was inspired by the anonymous workers of the recycling industry who collect paper from the streets. He made his first portrait on paper-filled jute sacks a year ago in Fikirtepe. "The idea of an exhibition that was reopened in every street of Istanbul was born by the waste paper collector." He defines the project as "Sustainable" and "Drivable".

- Hasar
Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel
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