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The ship that washed ashore due to the storm sank on the Maltepe coast

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A ship that was anchored at the pier washed ashore as a result of rope-breaking due to the heavy storm in the evening in Maltepe. The ship, which crashed into the pier with the effect of the waves, took water at night and sank.

A ship that was anchored at the pier washed ashore as a result of rope-breaking due to the heavy storm in the evening in Maltepe. The ship, which crashed into the pier with the effect of the waves, took water at night and sank.

The rope of the Ro-Ro ship 'AYİS 1', which was one of the ships anchored at Kumcular Pier, broke in the evening due to the heavy storm that has been affecting Istanbul since yesterday morning. While the drifted ship washed ashore, other ships were in danger of sinking due to the strong winds. As a precautionary measure, the Mehmetcik tugboat arrived at the scene. At night, the ship, which crashed into the pier with the effect of the waves, took water and sank.




- Maltepe coast

-Ship that washed ashore and sank


Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel