Mythological Sand Sculptures Keep Standing İn Strength İn Antalya

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The sand sculptures erected within international festival in Antalya under the theme of "Seven wonders of the world and mythology" keep standing with all their strength and grandness, in Lara Beach fulled with Asian dust or yellow sand. The Directorate of the festival announced that the event will be.

The sand sculptures erected within international festival in Antalya under the theme of "Seven wonders of the world and mythology" keep standing with all their strength and grandness, in Lara Beach fulled with Asian dust or yellow sand. The Directorate of the festival announced that the event will be open to visitor for a longer while, since the dates has been extended.

Foreigner tourists and locals have been drawing a great attention to the festival that has opened its doors to visitors in June.

The sculptures within the theme include the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Temple of Artemis and the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has drawn the highest interest.

The General Director of the festival, Cem Karaca told the two-day-long heavy rain has not affected the sand sculptures, due to the production technic of artists.

(Photo) - Antalya

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel