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Cleaning Up İn Silifke Castle

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– Cleaning up labour has started in Silifke Caste, in Mersin.

– Cleaning up labour has started in Silifke Caste, in Mersin. Silifke Municipality teams have conducted a cleaning up and maintenance study in Silifke Castle.

Silifke Municipality Mayor Mustafa Turgut said, "The garbage on the vicinity of the castle is cleaned up. Even though we are informing our citizens about environment, it is not enough. There are lots of garbage in the vicinity of the castle such as, plastic bags, glass bottles, debris, domestic waste and many various garbage among them."

Mayor Turgut said, the castle is a symbol of the district that is visited by domestic and foreign tourists. "We must keep our symbol castle and it's vicinity clean. We must act responsibly to keep the castle appealing to tourists. Besides that we must legate a better environment to our future generations. We are all responsible."

(Photo) - Mersin

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel