Children Of Curfew-struck Cizre And Hollow Wooden Swings

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In Cizre district of southeastern province of Şırnak, struck by intense clashes and successive curfews, children have not been sent to play grounds, and fields where they play games altogether this year's Muslim Feast of Sacrifice. The center of entertainement of Cizre town's children, wooden swings.

In Cizre district of southeastern province of Şırnak, struck by intense clashes and successive curfews, children have not been sent to play grounds, and fields where they play games altogether this year's Muslim Feast of Sacrifice.

The center of entertainement of Cizre town's children, wooden swings placed near Tigris River that the locals call "cincilik" have been hollow, despite the tradition of feasts among children.

Between September 4-12, some 21 people have been killed in the district where a curfew has been declared, while 16 of them have been shot, amid security tension.

Having witnessed violence and fear for days, children have been facing the trauma of the city and their parents have feared to take them to entertainment centers.

(Photo) - Şırnak

Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel