Artist Ramazan Gunay died after a heart attack on stage

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Ramazan Gunay, one of the popular names of Rumelia music, had a heart attack on stage in Zeytinburnu. Gunay (71), who was taken to the hospital, passed away.

Ramazan Gunay, one of the popular names of Rumelia music, had a heart attack on stage in Zeytinburnu. Gunay (71), who was taken to the hospital, passed away.

Zeytinburnu All Rumelia Turks' Solidarity Association took the stage on the 7th day of the '17th Local Days' event organized by Zeytinburnu Municipality on 15th of July (Temmuz) Square. After local treats, Rumelia's popular singers Arif Senturk and Ramazan Gunay took the stage together at the concert venue. While the two artists were singing the song 'Oh Doctor (Aman Doktor), the artist Ramazan Gunay collapsed all of a sudden. Gunay, who was performed on CPR for a while, was later taken to the hospital. The 71-year-old artist could not be saved despite all the interventions in the hospital. After the news of his death reached the 15th of July Square, the night was canceled by the order of Mayor Omer Arisoy.Ramazan Gunay, who fit hundreds of songs into his 55-year music life, was making programs on TV channels. Gunay will be buried in the Canary Cemetery following the mid-afternoon prayer to be held at Kucukcekmece Sultan Murat Mosque.


Kaynak: Demirören Haber Ajansı / Güncel